Your Personal
Health Assistant
Powered by AI

Prevent potential health issues and effectively manage your health. Gain insights with our AI Doctor and validate them with top US and European doctors.

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HIPAA compliant - Docus
GDPR compliant - Docus

Make Informed Health Decisions

We have all you need to better understand your health and make informed and accurate decisions about your well-being.

Personal AI Doctor

Personal AI Doctor

Customize your personal AI Doctor. Simply complete your health profile, ask your health questions, and receive personalized, data-driven advice.

Get tailored insights

Discover your health risks

Get personal checkup plans

Generate health reports

Lab Test Interpretation

Lab Test Interpretation

Upload your lab results to receive in-depth biomarker interpretations and detailed lab test reports.

Tailored Supplements

Tailored Supplements

Take the checkup quiz, get your personal supplement kit, and have it delivered straight to your door.

AI Symptom Checker

AI Symptom Checker

Describe your symptoms, answer targeted questions, and instantly identify potential health issues.

Top Doctors Access

Top Doctors Access

Connect with over 350 top doctors from the US and Europe for expert second opinions and validation of AI-driven health insights.

Global Recognition

Docus is recognized by top resources for its innovation in health technology. We've been featured by:

Benefits of Personal AI Health Assistant

We have all you need to better understand your health and make informed and accurate decisions about your well-being.

Proactive Preventive Care

Utilize predictive analytics and expert advice to identify and manage health risks early, ensuring your long-term wellness.

Tailored Health Solutions

Get health support tailored to your needs with personalized plans and strategies, available 24/7 to seamlessly fit your lifestyle.

In-Depth Health Insights

Gain a deeper understanding of your health with clear, actionable insights, helping you make informed decisions effortlessly.

Your health data

No personally identifiable information is required to utilize the Docus AI Health Assistant and its associated features.

Any data shared while using our services is safeguarded by advanced security protocols, ensuring compliance with HIPAA and GDPR.

Our Users Love Us

Discover how Docus has transformed the way people understand and manage their health.

Have questions? Let’s find answers

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You’re only one click away from a life-changing journey

Virtual health assistant powered by AI
350+ world-renowned Doctors